Thursday, May 20, 2010

Well yes he does but...

a shirt worn by E

"Jesus Has Skills"
Bright blue shirt, HUGE white letters

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Friendship by guilt...

Mystery student who I have forgotten, said from across the room
" I don't want to be by D"
D looks across the room and looks about to cry
Mystery Student- "well D is my best friend, so of course I want to sit by him"

Sunday, May 9, 2010

If I only knew...

As we are working on Mother's Day projects

A- "Are you making a project for your mom ?"
Me- "Nope"
A- " Are you making one for yourself ? Are you a mother ?"
Me- "No I am not"
A- "Why not ?"
she had such a cute look of shock on her face. If only I knew A, if only I knew why...