Friday, October 1, 2010

Brutal Honesty

This past week I have been on outside duty before and after school. So I stand in the front of the school while people drop off. I make sure cars stay in the pick up and drive through lanes, and watch out for those crazy children who think it is a good idea to dart through two lanes of traffic to the parking lot on the other side (including one of my students, but that's another story). As I stand there @ the end of the day waiting for the last few students to get picked up I was talking to a first grader who is in another class.

1st grader "Miss Van Tassell do you have any kids ?"
Me- "Nope, I am not married"
1st grader- "Do you have any kids ?"
Me- "No, I am not married"
1st Grader- "Well do you want kids ? I know one for sale"
Me- "Really ? Who is it ?"
1st Grader- "My sister. My mom says she is driving her crazy. You can have her"

I wonder what she would have charged me for a only child existence ?

1 comment:

  1. Look at it the other way. You get to have all those kids during the day and then return them to their parents in the afternoon, and they even pay you for watching them. :) It is sort of like a grandparent's existence.
